What doctors say about us?
The iLumi Super Fiber Post system is the most predictable and easy to use system on the market today. The canal access drills are perfectly measured for optimum fitment of the fiber post system to drop in with ample tug back. Using this fiber post system ensures complete curing throughout the canal. And the coefficient of flexure is almost identical to natural tooth structure. This ultimately leads to the clinician’s peace of mind regarding not worrying about future failure of the final restoration, and this alone is worth its weight in gold.
Dr. Alkordy
We have been using iLumi Posts for many years. They have shown to be successful and much better than the competition. We have not had fractures, as they show the same flexibility as dentin. The radiopacity makes them easy to identify in X-rays, and when curing resin adhesion, the light is generated through the post. The strength of the post is the same as stainless steel. All these characteristics make them go to posts that we use exclusively in our office.
Alan Howard, DMD
17071 Ventura Blvd, Suite 102
Enicno, California 91316
At Dental School we were taught that posts are there only to retain the core; and that posts weaken teeth. However, recent endodontic literature shows a high incidence of snap-off fractures in endodontically treated teeth that do not have posts in them - so I’m using posts now more than ever; and iLumi posts work great.
Based on the research and my own observations, I feel the turning light transmits very well. The included rubber stopper allows me to identify the size easily and assists in photographing, which is required for insurance companies and proper documentation.
Point Pleasant, New Jersey
"A product that does what others only promise"
Some fiber posts promise to transmit light all the way to the end of the post, but such a claim is not true. This new iLumi Super Fiber Post does, in fact, transmit and deliver photocuring light all the way to the apex better than any others I have tried. This is due to the high fiber density allowing for greater light transmission. Furthermore, they are more radiopaque than most making them easy to read on radiographs. The posts have color-coded rings that match the standard endodontic color codes for file size (they are available in four sizes), and the rings can easily slide up or down the post to make measuring easy during the fitting process. iLumi’s Super Fiber Post will flex like dentin and has a low modulus of elasticity that is like dentin, so the risk of root fracturing in minimal. Although “whitish” in appearance, I have not found this to be a deterrent to aesthetic restorations. This is a strong fiber post, greater than 1000Mpa, that will support any core material and restorative procedure. Next time you are shopping for a fiber post system, this one deserves your serious consideration.
-Dr. Howard S. Glazer, DDS FAGD, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
After learning about the iLumi fiber optic endodontic posts at a continuing education seminar and considering the benefits of these posts, we decided to give them a try. They were everything that was promised! Easy to use, well sized and gave a complete and through cure due to the excellent light conductivity of the post. They are now the only endo-posts we use
Dr. David Kurtzman, DDS, FAGD, FICD. Marietta, GA.
I have used iLumi Fiber Optic Posts in the practice and have found the fit to be excellent. The tapered design and illumination have made for a very secure post. I also love the safety feature of the drills that remove gutta percha and are not excessive in dentin removal. The fit of the post is excellent, and the stoppers is a great idea. I look forward to using them and will recommend them to our other offices.
Dr. Louis S. Wilson, D.D.S, Skinner & Ossakow DDS and Associates. McLean, VA.
I am happily ordering more Super Fiber Posts. I am very happy with the fit of these posts and my prepared post space. Not only do the posts seat well but they look perfect on the x-rays with no apical or lateral gaps and great opacity. Also, I find the composite build up material wets the post quickly with no voids. Thanks for a great product.
Dr. David Goldberg, Valencia CA.
"Our patients receive the best treatment"
“Dear iLumi team, we love using the iLumi Posts! Your tapered post drills allow us to conserve as much internal tooth structure as possible with the intention of eliminating future root fracture. Effective curing at the base of the post and throughout the core is always a concern. I believe you guys solved that potential issue with your light transmitting posts. The entire procedure is quick, easy and painless for the patient. It’s important that our patients receive the best treatment, incorporating the latest and greatest in technology aids us in achieving these goals. A big thanks to the entire iLumi team!”
Dr. Peter Serratelli D.D.S, Mt. Arlington Family Dentistry. Mt. Arlington, NJ.
“I began using the iLumi posts in December 2015 at the recommendation of Dr. John Burgess at the University of Alabama Birmingham. I have been impressed and satisfied with them.”
Dr. Gabriel A. Chamblin, Chamblin Gabriel A DDS. Spanish Fort, AL.
“We recently purchased your iLumi post and I must say it is the best fiber post I have ever used in Dentistry. The way it flexed though the post it makes the material adhere quicker.”
Dr. Lee D. Smulen DMD, Smulen Dental. Irvington, NJ
"Highly above expectation for reconstruction of a tooth with these iLumi super fiber posts and they are really the best item in the dental market. I always got excellent results to reinforce any weak tooth. Satisfaction is guaranteed!"
Dr. Jean Monat, Urgence Dentaire a Montreal. Montreal, Canada
"This has reassured us a more than accurate fit and greater strength"
My associates and I have been using iLumi fiber posts for several months and are more than happy with the ease of use of the post drills and the precision fit of the fiber posts. The curing light transmission through the entire post length during the core reconstruction is amazing. This has reassured us a more than accurate fit and greater strength for all our endodontically treated cosmetic restorations.
Dr. Ramon Padilla and Associates
Dental Designs of Naples and Ft Myers Florida

“I have been using the iLumi post for three years and have no failures of any kind. I changed from classic cast gold post and cores and have not been disappointed. The technique is quick and reliable. I also like the fact that I can cure down the length of the post, using it like an extension of the wand tip, to insure complete curing of my cement.”
Dr. James A. Davis, Jr., Oro Facial Center. Atlanta, GA.
“One of the biggest concerns I had using a fiber post in the past was it was always a little sketchy on an x-ray but with the iLumi Super Fiber Post it lights up like metal. You can snap cure your adhesive and prep immediately with profound light curing transmission of post. The drills are tapered and seems to cut better than other drills I’ve used in the past. iLumi is my go-to system, it should be yours too!”
Dr. Colin Suzman, Stonecreek Dentistry. Irvine, CA
“I have been using your fiber post for several years and they are my favorite posts I have ever used. I have not had any fractured teeth since using them and am especially fond of the fact that the cement is cured to the apex of the post due to them transmitting the light fiber optically. They are easy to cut and also blend in well with the tooth and or composite build up material.”
Dr. Patrick Blaney, Patrick C. Blaney, D.D.S. Westmont, IL
Why choose iLumi?
Highest Fiber Density
Higher fiber density better light transmission
Conventional fiber post
Higher fiber density fewer voids
Conventional fiber post
Fiber optic fiber with core and cladding
Conventional glass fiber w/o cladding
The above photos: Courtesy of Dr. John Burgess, DDS, MS
Unmatched Light Transmission
Highest light intensity among all competitors.
Courtesy of Dr. Price, Canada
>5X Radiopacity
Regular Photo
X-ray Photo
Best radiopacity available in the market.
Uniform structure and strength
High flexural strength and low modulus of elasticity.